02 Aug 2018

Wine&Senses, drink wine with all five senses in order not to forget

Celebrate wine tourism with sensory experiences through Augmented Reality ICT solutions

vigne e cantine

According to the ISTAT analysis, published on “I Numeri del Vino”, 28.6 millions of Italian people consume wine. The survey of 2017 is based on occasional wine consumers and it has emerged that the 65% of the population over 11 years consumes wine, of which 25% women and 31% men.

Drinking Wine Culture

It is spreading a new trend that celebrate the consumption of wine linked to quality more than quantity. The wine world is changing and the new trend is to enjoy the wine not only to drink it.

“Life is beautiful if you drink good wine (La vita è meravigliosa se bevi buon vino)” is Stefano Milioni’s book who identify four wine consumers classes and each of them represents a different way to appreciate a glass of red or white wine: Illiterate, Literacy, Graduate and Acculturated which represent the various stadiums of wine knowledge, from the illiterate to the graduated one.

The Acculturated figure seems to be that one more in fashion. He symbolizes the classical person who goes over the taste and wine cellars and wine's firms, revolutionizing their own core business, help him to feel with all his senses and to live places and gastronomy through a unique sensory experience.

Wine&Senses, the wine and the five senses

Wine is a magnet for the “oenotourist” who combines a good glass of wine to the food that is tasting, to the emotions and the feelings that he is living.

Oh yes is true, the wine combines all five senses and this is the aim of Wine&Senses project: activity far from massive tourism to live regions and places enjoying visits and excursions, tastings in unique places, visits for wine cellars and vineyards, showcases in historical buildings to be enjoyed in augmented reality involving all the senses to offer sensorial experiences to the wine lovers.

Hi-tech solutions for business

We have been participated to the COS-TOURCCI-2017-3-03 – COSME "Supporting the promotion and development of transnational thematic tourism products linked to cultural and creative industries" - EASME - European Commission call, to develop ICT solutions, among which mobile app, augmented reality, gps track, that helps to discover and to promote W&S regions, products, events and runs in innovative way equipping the oenoturist with tools to live unique sensorial experience.

We are going to collaborate with other partners coming from areas with an important cultural and wine heritage to offer innovative solutions developed for wine tourisim: Italy with Ente Parco CinqueTerre, Portugal with RESEAU EUROPEEN DES VILLES DU VIN Recevin, Spain with AGRUPACION EMPRESARIAL INNOVADORA PARA LA CONSTRUCCION EFICIENTE - Aice and CULTUR VIAJES PATRIMONIO SL  - Cultur, Czech Republic with NARODNI PAMATKOVY USTAV - NPU and Hungary with MADI KOR BOR-EREDETVEDELMI KOZHASZNU EGYESULET - Mad circle.


The project is just begun but soon it will guarantee to tourists and wine lovers to bathe totally in the wine and to wine’s firms the possibility to communicate the proper brand with an enthusiastically marketing tool.
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