Informamuse 31 July 2018

Wine & Senses

Wine tourism, tourism that involves senses

If taste, smell and sight are essential to taste wine and to perceive its essence, touch and hearing are equally important to get a complete sensory experience: the sound of a popping cork, the fizz of a sparkling wine, or the sound of the wind in the vineyards, the touch of a fine wine glass, or a bunch of ripe grapes.

The project

Developed as part of the Call COS-TOURCCI-2017-3-03 – COSME "Supporting the promotion and development of transnational thematic tourism products linked to cultural and creative industries" - EASME - European Commission Wine & Senses is designed to support the promotion and development of transnational thematic tourism products linked to Cultural and Creative Industries.

Wine&Senses is a project dedicated to the wine tourism,tourism that connects the cultural heritage with one of the products that distinguishes each of the territories selected within the project, the wine.


  • Portugal: Rede Europeia de Cidades do Vinho - RECEVIN
  • Czech Republic : Národní Památkový Ústav - NPU
  • Spain: Agrupación Empresarial Innovadora para la Construcción Eficiente - AEICE
  • Italy: Cinqueterre - 5Terre
  • Italy: InformAmuse - IAMUSE
  • Hungary: Mádi Kör Bor-eredetvédelmi Közhasznú Egyesület - MAD Circle
  • Spain: Cultur Viajes - CULTUR

The aim of the project is to propose activities, away from mass tourism, as a way to enjoy the wine territories with guided tours and excursions, wine tastings, wineries and vineyards visits, performances in historic buildings to entertain and use all senses in a unique scenario.

Wine&Senses and InformAmuse

We are developing ICT Solutions available to more devices and into different languages to offer tourists not only a guide but a real sensory experiences to disclose and share even after departure.

We coordinate the technological part of the project by working in partnership with Recevin, NPU, Aeice, 5Terre, Mad Circle, Cultur to offer our experience through the development of innovative solutions as a means to improve the competitiveness of companies operating in the tourism sector.

To improve Wine & Senses experience our team is working on:


To connect tourists with booking sites for travel, lodging or events


To enrich the travel experience with the content inserted by all partners

Mobile app

To guide the tourist during his cultural heritage visit

Augmented Reality

For a more immersive experience


To discover and promote W&S regions

GPS track

To guide tourists to W&S products, events and paths

Wine & Senses represents the link between cultural heritage, the identity of a territory and wine tourism proposing smart destinations to enjoy with all five senses.

This project was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme