25 October 2024

L'AI nel monitoraggio ambientale migliora l'efficienza dei dati e ottimizza la gestione delle risorse naturali, favorendo una maggiore sostenibilità.

8 March 2024

Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are emerging as powerful tools to monitor and manage water resources efficiently.

18 May 2018

Digital payments through app can reduce anxiety, stress and improve your business strategy

3 May 2018

Explodes the need to protect our privacy, now our data will again be ours.

25 April 2018

2018 is the breakthrough year for the Blockchain Company, InformAmuse. The company has joined, Hyperledger an open source project hosted by The Linux Foundation, that has the aim to promote the collaborative development of enterprise blockchain software.

11 April 2018

Event on Blockchain Technology designed for people continuously evolves like us. We’ll be there!

4 April 2018

The Blockchain Technology becomes a powerful way to ensure the food market transparency 

4 January 2018

The training and visioning Workshop about New Digital Payments of Palermo welcomes the challenge of FinTech, Blockchain and PSD2