20 Apr 2018


Who said Blockchain is applicable only on financial systems? See how this technology can contribute to sustainable development


The modern society forced us to change the way we interact with objects, we have no time to focus on everything that's tangible in real dimension. Technology changed our life, we talk on and trough apps, smartphones, chats, wi-fi connections… 
Let us pause a moment. Think any product, item, tablet, smartphone, watch, bag and what comes into your mind. Where does the cover of tablet and how it manages to perfectly fit to the shape of your mobile device? What are the material used to produce it? Which quantity was used and how much was actually thrown? How much waste have been recycled and how much have been dispersed into the environment?

This represents the first step to understand how many passages are needed to pack a product in its entirety. Every step needs a defined number of actors to complete an object, from its production to its distribution on the national and international market. Each stage has his own standards and rules that, even though the technology at our disposal could avoid the various tampering which take place continuously,  are not always followed correctly. 
We often hear of sustainable development but production e consumption patterns are not so very sustainable and indeed, we constantly talk about  pollution, environmental crisis, natural resources depletion and so on.

We can read on the Brundtland Report of 1987: 

“Sustainable development is a kind of development which enables the present generation to meet their own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs ." 

Companies, workers, people should follow this conduct to enhance the surrounding ecosystem. In this scenario the Blockchain Technology has a major role to play. This new Protocol of Communication will revolutionize the financial system and not only. 

How does Blockchain work?

Blockchain Technology can be apply on many sectors, from patents to copyright, from contracts to cryptovalute,  from supply chain to insurance and the experimentation on the use of Blockchain in other areas of application take place continuously. Recently an experiment has brought the Blockchain on the system of industrial and recyclable waste, as a solution to protect the environment.

In this area Blockchain works like a verification system that may detect quality, quantity  of materials and origin, with the aim to trace all the historical chain by facilitating the relationship between the actors involved in terms of reliability and safety.

Blockchain trace industrial waste

The manufacturer prepares the lot to market that was certified by the company.  The certification tracks the origin, composition, quality and quantity on the register of the Blockchain.
We can obtain all information through a QR Code applied  on package before shipment. The consignee validates the QR Code and unlock the economic transition using a certified digital payment system. The lot, after being identified as safe in terms of quality and environment respect, can be re-use to produce other components or raw materials. 

The Blockchain Technology controls and certifies the actors’ activity guaranteeing the identity of the involved actors, sustainability, the traceability, the safety, the economicity, the fight against tax evasion and fraud in environment and community respect.